Basic pie crust

We adore pies. Maybe because there are so many variations. It took us a while to figure everything out, but then we realized that it’s actually easy.

The most important ingredients is high quality butter.

This is s very basic crust, which you can use for many recipes. For the salty version, just leave out a sugar.  




175g all purpose flour

2g (1/2 tablespoon) salt

15g granulated sugar                     

115g unsalted butter – cold butter from the fridge, cut in cubes

3-4 tablespoons icy cold water




 1. Mix flour, salt and sugar.

2.  Add butter.

3. Make a dough. Butter will melt in your hands while making a dough and it will have a texture of a sand. This is ok. It will melt little more, but you will form a nice ball.

4. Wrap in a foil and put it into the fridge for at least 30 mins or over a night.

5.  When you are ready, sprinkle some all-purpose flour on a kitchen counter and roll the dough with a rolling pin. It should be bigger than the cake tin you will use.

6. Put a dough on a cake/pie tin and gently press.

7. Cut off the hanging dough.

8. It should look like this.

9. If you have some leftover of a dough, use it for cutting out some extra pieces.