Chocolate raspberry coconut cake

Our next international guest is our older sister Julia. Julia lives in the UK with her husband and kids for more than a decade. She works as official veterinarian in international company where her colleagues come from 18 different countries.

Julia came across Chocolate raspberry coconut cake during team building at work. One of the unofficial activities she was practising with her colleagues was swapping the recipes. Her Polish colleague offered her a piece of the cake and she fell in love on the first bite.

We tried Chocolate raspberry coconut cake when Julia baked it for us during summer vacation…we knew right away that we have to have this special recipe on our foodblog.

Combination of dark chocolate, fresh raspberries and coconut cream is match made in heaven. Chocolate raspberry coconut cake is gluten free and yet delicious.

It is very important that you use high quality dark chocolate – 70% and fresh raspberries.

Make sure that you follow our recipe step by step. Using gelatine leafs might be tricky, but it is not difficult. Just pay attention to description below.

smacznego! (bon appetit)


200g dark chocolate – 72%

150g butter – room temperature

115ml milk room temp

150g granulated sugar

4 eggs room temp

1 teaspoon vanilla essence

Ingredients for raspberry filling

180g fresh raspberries + 50g for the cream and 50 - 70g for the decoration

1 piece/leaf of gelatine

3 tablespoons of granulated sugar

2 teaspoons of maizena

Ingredients for coconut filling

200g coconut cream – from the can (not fresh coconut milk), we will only use the thick part of the coconut milk from the can for the cream; put the coconut can into the fridge overnight before preparing the cake

250g mascarpone

1 tablespoon of coconut liqueur – for example malibu – or coconut essence

3 tablespoons of powdered sugar

1 leaf of gelatine (you can also use vegan version) – leave it in 2 tablespoons of water

2 tablespoons of shredded coconut or coconut flakes

Raspberries for the decoration


Chocolate base

1. Melt the chocolate with butter in bain marie. Once mixture is melted, add milk and stir until combined. Set aside. Let it cool down, but the mixture must be lukewarm.

2. Separate egg yolks from egg whites.

3. Beat egg whites and gradually add sugar.

4. Add vanilla essence.

5. Add egg yolks and mix well.

6. Add cooled chocolate mixture into beaten eggs. Mix ingredients until combined.

7. Butter the 23 cm cake tin and line with baking paper. Pour the batter into the cake tin. Bake for 40 min on 180 degrees.

Transfer to a wire rack and let cake cool completely in cake tin (cake will collapse in the centre and crack as it cools- that’s totally fine).

Raspberry filling

8. Put gelatine leaf into the bowl and add 2 tablespoons of warm (not hot) water. Stir until gelatine dissolves.

9. Heat up the raspberries in a small pan and add sugar. Bring to boil and cook until sugar dissolves.

10. Combine 2 teaspoons of corn-starch (maizena) with 1 and half tablespoons of water.

11. Add maizena mixture into hot raspberry mixture and mix well.

12. Add gelatine mixture into raspberry mixture. Mix well.

13. Fold 50g of raspberries into the raspberry’s mixture, mix gently and let it cool.

Coconut cream

14. Put gelatine leaf into the bowl and add 2 tablespoons of warm (not hot) water. Stir until gelatine dissolves.

15. Meanwhile combine mascarpone, coconut cream, icing sugar and coconut liqueur. Beat on a low speed in electric mixer.

16. Heat up the gelatine mixture in the microwave for couple of seconds. Gelatine must be completely dissolved in the water but avoid bringing gelatine to boil. Let it cool.

Once the gelatine is cool, add 2 teaspoons of coconut cream into dissolved, cold gelatine (this is a little trick to avoid lumps in coconut cream).

17. Add gelatine mixture to mascarpone cream.

17. Pour cool raspberry mixture over cool chocolate cake.

19. Spread coconut cream on the top of raspberry mixture. Put into the fridge for at least 8 hours or overnight.

20. Garnish the cake with fresh raspberries and sprinkle some shredded coconut over the cake.