Peanut butter oat muffins

Best oatmeal muffins!

Even though oat muffins don’t sound super exciting, we will prove you wrong with this recipe. These are no ordinary oatmeal muffins, but they are nutritious, tasty, gluten free even sugar free. Peanut butter oat muffins can be a great addition to your healthier breakfast. Muffins are easy portable snack…just grab and go. This is great recipe to prepare in advance during the weekend if you have a busy schedule during the week. You can have this healthy muffin for a guilt free breakfast, because it is very yumi yet very healthy. Basically, it is your breakfast oats put together in a delicious muffin. You don’t have to be a baking pro to bake this extra easy recipe.


Dry ingredients

290g of rolled oats

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

¼ teaspoon of salt

1 teaspoon of baking powder

Wet ingredients

1 big (or 2 small) ripen banana

1 egg

1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

120g of smooth (good quality) peanut butter

160g of maple sirup or honey

Final ingredients

240ml almond milk (you can also use soy milk)

110g of chocolate chips – you can also use raisins

Coconut oil for buttering the tray

For decoration - Peanut butter and banana  


1. Mix dry ingredients in a bowl.  

2. Mix wet ingredients in separate bowl.  

3. Combine wet ingredients with dry ingredients and add almond milk.

4. 60g of chocolate chips. Keep the rest of chocolate chips for decoration.

5. Butter the muffin tray with coconut oil, fill in forms and sprinkle each muffin with leftover of chocolate chips. Bake on 180 degrees on hot fan for 22 mins.