Slovak visit

This recipe is definitely one of the special kind as we don’t cook boar every day. Traditional way to cook a boar or deer especially in Slovakia would be in goulash or simply baked in the oven. Boar Ragout requires only a few ingredients, but the result is absolutely delicious combination of high-quality meat and cranberry – wine sauce.

Kika is my (Veronika's) friend since childhood 😊 We have known each other ever since Kika used to visit her grandmother - our neighbour during holidays. We remember the times when we used to play with Barbies and now we are fortunate enough to live close by.

Kika together with her husband Jožko, daughter Dominika and son Jurko visit regularly and this time it was no different as we enjoyed Boar Ragu together.

I tried this recipe for the first time when I stopped by at Kika’s house on my way home to Slovakia (while living abroad). I fell in love with this recipe the first time I tried it - meat and the sauce created a perfect combination.


The flavours in the recipe are very balanced, and as I later learned, it took to Kika and her husband Jožko many tests and fails before they found the right combination of flavours and ingredients. They also like to use a pressure cooker, which significantly speeds up the preparation and the ragu is ready in about an hour.


If you like a thinner sauce, you need to add more water. If you prefer a thicker sauce, just add more mashed potatoes.

Ragu can be also served with dumpling, boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, rice or pasta.


We would like to thank to Kika for taking the time to cook for us and for contributing to our blog with her original recipe.


Veronika & Zuzana

 You can find recipe for Boar Ragout here.