Speculoos cake

Nothing says spring quite like this easy strawberry tart. The crust is very simple, made of speculoos biscuits. 

In case, that you have never heard of Speculoos biscuits, they are kind of ginger bread like biscuits perfect also for making a cake.

Speculoos cake is great when you don't want to turn on the oven when it’s hot outside… but you are still in a mood for something sweet. The filling of our speculoos cake is a sweet cream cheese with a hint of lemon that makes the strawberries pop. We will be making it all season long with any kind of fruit…you can definitely replace strawberries with blueberries, raspberries blackberries or even peaches. Any kind of fruit will go well with our refreshing cream cheese filling.


165g Speculoos biscuits

70g butter, room temperature

250g mascarpone

100g Philadelphia or ricotta or soft cottage cheese

Skin of 1 lemon

2-3 tablespoons lemon juice - to taste

1 teaspoon vanilla essence or vanilla sugar

50g powdered sugar

Strawberries, raspberries or blueberries

Cake tin with a diameter of 26 cm


1. Mix speculoos biscuits in a blender - as you can see on the picture.  

2. Add melted butter, mix well.

3. Spread speculoos mixture over the cake tin. Be careful to make the edges as we did in the picture (the cake will look prettier with the edge). Put the cake tin into the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or in the freezer for 30 minutes.

4. Mix mascarpone, ricotta, vanilla essence, sugar, lemon juice and lemon zest together in a blender.

5. Spread the finished cream on a speculoos base. Wrap in foil and put in the fridge again - preferably overnight. If you are in a hurry, let it rest in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours so that the dough and cream solidify nicely.

6. Place the fresh fruit on top. If you have strawberries, cut them into thinner slices.