French brioche

Perfect treat to start your day with. I like to enjoy it especially for a breakfast, but you can eat this brioche all day long.

This is the recipe you need to play around with. Nothing too complicated, but pay attention to every single step. You need to prepare the dough the night before you will make it. The dough is way to sticky to handle right away.

There are three types of filling. You can split the dough into three parts. You can split it in half. Put one half aside and you can make one big ring. Cut the other half in two parts and you will have two smaller rings.


Big ring is little difficult to handle and you will need an extra pair of hands to transfer it on the baking tray. In case that you are on your own, just split the bigger half in 2 pieces and make two smaller rings.

I would strongly recommend not to over bake this brioche. It will be super soft and moist inside and believe me, you won’ be able to eat only one piece.

I used organic chocolate spread to make chocolate ring, but feel free to use any chocolate spread you can get in the supermarket.

In case that you are not a fan of cinnamon, just make one extra chocolate ring. I like variety that’s why I try to make as many different brioche rings as possible.


125ml Lukewarm water

7 grams dry yeast 

1 ½ teaspoon salt

4 large eggs, room temperature + 1 egg yolk

170g melted butter for the dough + 20g for the filling

85g honey

580g flour

2 tablespoons milk

Cream cheese filling (for ½ of dough)

115 g Philadelphia cream cheese

65g fresh raspberries

25g light brown sugar

Cinnamon filling (for ¼ of the dough)

80g butter

40g brown sugar

8g cinnamon

Chocolate filling (for ¼ of the dough)

3 – 5 tablespoons of chocolate spread  


1. Mix the yeast with warm water. Set aside for 5 mins.


2. Add eggs and salt.


3. Add honey.


4. Add melted butter (not hot)!


5. Add flour.


6. Mix everything together by hand. Your dough should look like this.


7. Put the dough to a warm place for two hours so the dough can rise. Once it has risen, cover with a foil and put into the fridge overnight. At this point, the dough is too soft to handle.

8. Next morning. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Prepare chocolate spread, cream cheese filling – mix all ingredients together, prepare cinnamon filling – mix all ingredients together.


9. Take the dough out of the fridge and put on a kitchen counter dusted with a flour. Split the dough to 3 pieces.


10. First one (biggest piece in this case)– roll the dough with a rolling pin. Spread a raspberry filling.


11. Make a round and transfer the dough on the baking tray, lined with a baking paper. Cut the dough around ¾ deep.


12. Twist every part as you can see on the picture.


13. Brush with egg yolk mixed with 2 tablespoons of milk. Sprinkle with almond flakes. Bake for 20 mins.


14. Second one. Repeat the same process as described above. Melt the butter and spread it over a dough. Generously sprinkle with cinnamon filling.


15. Third one - prepare chocolate spread. Roll the dough as described above.
