Homemade tomato sauce

You don't know what to do with so many tomatoes either? Are they coming at you from all sides? Have you already received tomatoes from your mother, grandmother, neighbours and cousins?

Same here...


Our sister Jarka has a great idea what to do with them. She has been making her own homemade tomato sauce for years.

Jarka who is working Mum of 3, always manages to cook excellent home-cooked meals and in the summer she will preserve everything that grows in her garden.

This sauce has many uses. According to Jarka, if the tomatoes are watery, you will get a sauce (or passata). If they have a stiffer consistency, you will get ketchup.

We use this tomato sauce in various recipes. It is great as a tomato base for pizza, Hungarian goulash or classic goulash. It is great instead of passata for Bolognese or any other meal which contains tomato sauce. It is simply the best tomato sauce that does not contain unnecessary additives and preservatives. It will last in your pantry until next summer.

You can use any kind of tomatoes for this recipe, the most important thing is that they are well-ripened or even over-ripe.

If you just want to try this recipe, simply try making a half batch. Jarka's recipe is really simple and nothing can go wrong.




5 kg of ripe tomatoes

2 tablespoons of salt

10 pcs of whole black pepper

4 pcs allspice

4 bay leaves

200g of granulated sugar

50 ml of vinegar - you can add more or less vinegar, depending on acidity of tomatoes




1. Wash and cut the tomatoes.

2. Boil the tomatoes in a large pot. Add salt, sugar and bay leaf. Put black pepper and allspice in a tea strainer. Cook for about an hour until the tomatoes are cooked.

3. Take out bay leaves and spices. Blend with an immersion blender.

4. Strain to get rid of the seeds and peels from the tomatoes. We add vinegar, which serves as a preservative, and cook for another hour - according to the desired thickness.

5. Fill jam jars and sterilize.

6. Sterilization: Put your jars in the pan with water. Water should be until half of the jar.

Bring to boil and boil for 10 mins on low heat

Remove the heat and put upside down so you can find out if it is leaking.