Mushroom soup with home made pasta

If you hear someone talking about mushroom soup, picture of champions and cream will pop in your head. The truth is, you can prepare much lighter version of mushroom soup, where the flavour of the mushrooms will come out in a soup broth.

Growing up right next to the forest, picking up mushrooms was almost compulsory for every member of our big family 😊. We know since young age, which mushrooms are good in a soup or sauce or which mushrooms we can’t even touch (even though, the look very appealing and they have very pretty red heads).


For this recipe we had to use mushrooms from the shop, but feel free to cook mushrooms which you got at the farmers market or which you picked up in the forest. Never eat mushrooms you don’t know! Our Mum always says…you can eat every single mushroom…only once (there is something in this funny wisdom from Mum).


You can enjoy mushroom soup with homemade pasta called sciranka which is traditional Eastern Slovakian “soup pasta”. In West part of Slovakia, it’s called mrvenica. This is the easiest and fastest version of fresh pasta you can ever prepare at home. While the soup is bubbling on a stove, you will have plenty of time to prepare it.

Bon apetit!


3 tablespoons olive oil

500g Velvet Pioppini Mushrooms (you can also use different mushroom, see below)

5 - 6 carrots medium size carrots

1 small onion

4-5 pieces of parsley or 1 rib celery 

Salt, black pepper, sweet red paprika 

1,5l of water

For Pasta

300g durum wheat flour

3 Eggs



1.  Chop 1/2 onion. Slice carrots and wash mushrooms.


2. Heat up olive oil and fry onions – 1 min and add carrots.


3. Add salt, pepper and paprika. Stir well.


4. Stir in mushrooms and fry for a minute with carrots and onions.


5. Add parsley, onion and 1,5l water. Bring to boil. Lower a temperature and cook for 30mins (or until carrots and mushrooms are cooked). Once soup is cooked, taste it and add salt and pepper according your preference.



a . Mix flour and eggs.


b. Knead a pasta dough with hand for a few minutes.


c. You need to knead the dough until you make a nice ball.


d. Grate pasta. I know this sounds strange, but you can just grate pasta like a cheese.


e. Spread pasta on a baking sheet and leave it to dry for half an hour. Boil water and cook pasta. Be careful, because this pasta will be cooked in 2-3 mins.