Rabbit with olives and red wine

Rabbit is a meal for gourmands and family gatherings. It is also light and very good for a healthy diet! If you never cooked a rabbit before, you will find this recipe easy to follow. Ingredients we used are pretty common so there is no need to spend hours in the supermarket looking for spices.

Rabbit meat is tasty and red wine brings out a unique flavour. You will need bit more time for a preparation and cooking, but it’s definitely worth it.

If you are buying rabbit meat from the butcher, you can ask him to cut it or simply ask for backs. In case that you get a good deal in the shop, you will need to cut off few parts of fat or kidneys (which you can use for cooking an you can eat them).




800g of rabbit backs or 1 rabbit (1.5kg) – 4 persons

4 tablespoons olive oil

1 big onion

4 gloves of garlic

2 big carrots

100g all-purpose flour

200ml red wine

100g olives

Slur – 150ml water and 2 tablespoons of flour

Salt & pepper


1. Heat up olive oil and fry rabbit. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside.

2. In the same pan, fry onions with garlic.

3. Peel and cut carrots, mix with onions. Fry carrots for a few mins so they will become tender. Carrots will give a nice taste to a rabbit.  

4. Coat the rabbit in the flour and add to onions and carrots to a pan.  

5. Add 200 ml of wine.  Stir well.

6. Add water (so the rabbit is covered )and herbs. Bring to boil, reduce heat and cook for 40-50 mins.  

7. Add olives and cook for another 10 minutes.

8. Make a slur and add to a sauce. Bring to boil, stir well and your rabbit is ready.