Zucchini chocolate muffins

Zucchini chocolate muffins are gluten free are so easy to make! The recipes make light and airy muffins which are loaded with a healthy stuff. Thanks to this recipe you don’t have to feel guilty when you want to enjoy something sweet even when you are on a diet. This is a healthy upgrade from your regular chocolate chip muffins. Your friends/kids will not even recognize that zucchini is hiding in this moist and delicious muffins.

There are many different kinds of zucchini and for our recipe you can use any zucchini you find or grow in the garden. 


When you decide that you are going to bake zucchini chocolate muffins, I have an advice for you (from Zuzana): Don’ tell to anyone that you make muffins made of zucchini. These muffins are loved by everyone even people who don’t like zucchini. When I am baking for my kids and I use some slightly unusual ingredients, I never tell them what’s the secret ingredient. They taste and they guess what is in the recipe….it’s actually lots of fun 😊 

12 servings


Dry ingredients

210g almond flour

25g cocoa powder

½ teaspoon baking soda

¼ teaspoon salt  

Wet ingredients

3 eggs

50ml coconut/sunflower oil

60ml honey or maple sirup

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

120g grated zucchini – peel zucchini, grate finely and gently dry with kitchen paper, please don’t squeeze them otherwise muffins will be dry

120g chocolate chips – half of the chips will go into mixture and half on the top of the muffins


1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees (hot fan). Mix dry ingredients together.


2. In separate bowl mix wet ingredients.


3. Mix together wet and dry ingredients and add zucchini.


4. Add half of the chocolate chips (60g).


5. Fill in muffin papers and sprinkle each muffin with leftover of chocolate chips.

6. Bake for 20 minutes. Baking time also depends on the size of muffin cups. Take muffins out of the oven after 20 minutes and check with a toothpick if they are baked through. Muffins should be still moist.  If needed, put muffins back to the oven for 1-2 minutes.
