Naan bread

Naan bread is an Indian-style flatbread. It is a traditional flatbread made in South and Central Asian countries.

Learning how to make naan bread at home is not complicated. This homemade naan bread recipe is so easy to make, it is perfectly soft and chewy and always so delicious.

You will never want to buy it again.


What do you eat with naan bread?


Pretty much everything. It goes perfectly well with curries, sauces, soups and dips.

You can find tips for delicious meals which you can eat naan bread with:

·         Tikka Masala with chicken

·         Vegetable curry

·         Indian chicken curry

·         Cauliflower coconut soup

·         Hummus

After cooking the naan, make sure to let it cool completely. Once cooled, keep your naan in Tupperware for 1-2 days at room temperature, or about 3 - 4 days in the refrigerator. You can also freeze naan bread.


1teaspoon sugar

110ml water

7g of active dry yeast or 14g fresh yeast

300g all-purpose flour, plus little extra for rolling the naan bread

½ teaspoon of salt

125g soured cream

½ tablespoon sunflower oil

100g butter (to butter naan bread)  

Notes: Dough will rise faster under the duvet 😊 inherited knowledge from Mum and Grandma 😊


1. Combine warm water, sugar and yeast in a bowl. Let stand till yeast softens and forms creamy foam, about 5 mins.

2. Add flour, salt, soured cream and oil to yeast mixture.

3. Turn dough out onto the counter and knead (for 7 mins) into ball. If you are using a mixer, knead for 5 minutes.

4. Place the dough in a large bowl. Cover with kitchen foil and let rise for an hour in warm place.

5. The dough is really soft because of the soured cream. Manipulate with the dough carefully.  Cut the dough in 6 pieces. Roll each piece into a ball and lightly dust with flour.

6. Roll each piece with rolling pin. Each piece should be 0,5cm thick.

7. Melt 100g butter.

8. Heat up a non-stick or iron pan (pan must be really really hot). Cook each naan until large bubbles form. Flip over, press gently, and cook until you see bubbles again.   

9. Generously brush the butter on naan bread, make sure you brush both sides and sprinkle little salt on it.