Sweet potatoes gnocchi

Orange gnocchi? Sweet potato gnocchi? Why not. They look very intriguing and playful on the plate. It’s just one of the many variations of gnocchi you can make.

Gnocchi are something you probably order all the time at restaurants but never think about making from scratch. Well, now’s the time to start. These sweet potatoes gnocchi will brighten up your day and the kitchen. Many people actually prefer sweet potatoes more than regular potatoes, my kids included.

Simple and colourful sweet potato gnocchi can impress even your meat-eating partner. 

Pair it with a simple sauce like I did (well just because I love butter and sage and this combination especially) and it will become one of your favourite gnocchi.

If you fancy different kind of sauce try dressing them with various pasta sauces. Season with parmigiano and enjoy.


1kg sweet potatoes puree – you will need around 1.5 kg of potatoes

300g all purpose flour

1 egg

2 tablespoons of parmigiano

100g butter

Bunch of sage



1. Bake potatoes on the bed of salt – on 180 degrees around 1h 15 mins (depends on the size of potatoes).

2. Peel the potatoes.

3. Mash potatoes. Wait, until puree is completely cold. 

4. Make a dough – mix puree, egg, flour and cheese. Knead for w few minutes. The dough will be very soft. Add flour if needed. Wrap in the foil and put into the fridge for at least 30 mins. You can prepare the dough also the night before.

5. Make gnocchi – the easiest is to make little pillows, because the dough is difficult to handle. Roll the dough into 2 cm thick ropes on a floured surface.

Cut each rope into approximate 2 cm pieces.

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and add the gnocchi in batches, stirring gently once or twice to ensure they are not sticking. Boil until they float to the surface.

Remove gnocchi with a slotted spoon. Don’t drain them.


I. Melt the butter. Fry butter for a few seconds but be careful not to burn it.

II. Add sage. Fry for a few mins.

III. Mix gnocchi with a sauce a season with cheese. Serve.